玉井, 鵜林, 市山, Objects as Actors Assuming Roles in the Environment, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,, 2007年.
ID 198
分類 著書
タグ actors assuming environment objects roles
表題 (title) Objects as Actors Assuming Roles in the Environment
表題 (英文) Objects as Actors Assuming Roles in the Environment
著者名 (author) 玉井 哲夫, 鵜林 尚靖, 市山 了一
英文著者名 (author) Tetsuo Tamai, Naoyasu Ubayashi, Ryoichi Ichiyama
編者名 (editor) Choren, R., Garcia, A., Giese, H., Leung, H., Lucena, C., Romanovsky A.
編者名 (英文) Choren, R., Garcia, A., Giese, H., Leung, H., Lucena, C., Romanovsky A.
キー (key)
シリーズ名 (series) Lecture Notes in Computer Science
巻数 (volume) 4408
章番号 (chapter) 0302-9743
ページ範囲 (pages) 185-203
版 (edition)
出版元 (publisher) Springer Berlin Heidelberg
出版元 (英文) Springer Berlin Heidelberg
出版社住所 (address)
刊行月 (month) 0
出版年 (year) 2007
付加情報 (note)
注釈 (annote)
内容梗概 (abstract)
論文電子ファイル 利用できません.
         title = {Objects as Actors Assuming Roles in the Environment},
        author = {玉井 哲夫 and  鵜林 尚靖 and  市山 了一},
        editor = {Choren, R., Garcia, A., Giese, H., Leung, H., Lucena, C., Romanovsky A.},
        series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
        volume = {4408},
       chapter = {0302-9743},
         pages = {185-203},
     publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
         month = {0},
          year = {2007},