鵜林, 大坪, 野田, 吉田, "An Extensible Aspect-Oriented Modeling Environment," 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE 2009), 5565, pp. 17-31, 2009年.
ID 154
分類 国際会議
タグ aspect-oriented environment extensible modeling
表題 (title) An Extensible Aspect-Oriented Modeling Environment
表題 (英文) An Extensible Aspect-Oriented Modeling Environment
著者名 (author) 鵜林 尚靖,大坪 弦也,野田 和秀,吉田 純
英文著者名 (author) Naoyasu Ubayashi,Genya Otsubo,Kazuhide Noda,Jun Yoshida
編者名 (editor)
編者名 (英文)
キー (key)
書籍・会議録表題 (booktitle) 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE 2009)
巻数 (volume) 5565
号数 (number)
ページ範囲 (pages) 17-31
組織名 (organization)
出版元 (publisher)
出版元 (英文)
出版社住所 (address)
刊行月 (month) 0
出版年 (year) 2009
採択率 (acceptance) 36 of 230 (16%)
付加情報 (note)
注釈 (annote)
内容梗概 (abstract)
論文電子ファイル 利用できません.
         title = {An Extensible Aspect-oriented Modeling Environment},
        author = {鵜林 尚靖 and 大坪 弦也 and 野田 和秀 and 吉田 純},
     booktitle = {21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE 2009)},
        volume = {5565},
         pages = {17-31},
         month = {0},
          year = {2009},
    acceptance = {36 of 230 (16\%)},